Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Can(n)on blasts

Got a new hobby. If you find another creepy looking nerd photographing "still life" (READ dead animals) or floating polythene bags around JP Nagar, chances are that you would have probably flipped me already!

Well, it hasnt come to the cadavers yet...But,im having a blast with the Canon A540 power shot. The beginners professional camera is what it is. Make any inept, clumsy executed slip of that other butt- cheek look like a potrayal of neo-rump expressionism! Yup, thats how pseudo-intellectual i feel after buying this baby..heh heh!

Its got loads of features to help you out. A must....

Keep watching this space for more plastic paraphernalia..

1 comment:

Varun Yadav said...

dude...ahem..ur pics were trashed..by an expert ('who-shalt-know')...(and i m saying this under the shadow of a loaded barrel)..by an amateur too..oops...