Friday, November 25, 2005

Diarios de motocicleta !!

My blogging is frenzied, frenetic and fanatical (and that's three f words in a sentence, all adjectives....waiting for Madonna's take on this one). Blogging has really hit me, any spare time taken off in my day, is spent writing drafts for the next post, correcting and modifying them...which should be against the basic spirit of blogging. (What the heck?!)

Watched an awesome flick yesterday- "The motorcycle diaries", about the sojourn taken by Ernesto Guevera de la Serna, just six months prior to his graduation. All of 23 years and equipped with a rickety motorcycle and a zestful chum for company, it takes us through their voyage accross the length and breadth of the Americas. Laced with enough metaphors; bringing on Che's personal journey for meaning and a purpose for his life....some scenes are touching enough. One of the most haunting scenes i felt was Ernesto's confrontation with the mine field supervisor for the treatment meted out to the workers. The scenes with the patients at the Lepers colony, San Pablo are endearing. Actor Bernal gets into the skin of his character, particularly the raging desire for justice and idealism. Alberto Granada, Ernesto's chum is the other highlight of the film. His zest for life and all the good things are a striking contrast from his best friend's, who is struggling to find happiness around him. Hard to imagine people like Che existing, and hard to imagine Che as the firebrand revolutionary who lead armies against oppression. This movie is a radical departure from the Che we have all come to believe. The ashtmatic, soft spoken idealist to the cold blooded military strategist...quite a journey.

Easily one of the best ones i have seen in a while.