Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pedestrian Writings??!!!

Still reeling with the frustration that "fighting-with-forces-beyond-your-control" gets on. Now that i look at it, my web blog appellation seems to have been pre-ordained. Worthier titles strewn aside (somebody already has a blogsite "Nebuchadnezzar"!!!?), and the most "fitting" one bestowed upon me, which incidentally was supposed to be a "clever" joke. Reminds me of the joke....

"Dick, the smug bastard wants to impress his teammates by showing how tech-savvy he is....surrounded by maidens, showing them the company's latest intranet portal. The system prompts him for a pass word. Our hero, with the confident smirk types in "P-E-N-I-S" to some "Wow!! that was cool!" remarks. The computer sends back the message "Password rejected, too short"!!! .."

Well, sometime it just aint your day.....when the name "pedestrian writings" is all you're entitled too. Hope this aint a precursor for further posts.....

All Peace in the world,

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