Friday, September 15, 2006

Revenge of the "Leo"nine Nymph

A few months back, i actually had the chance to witness the shooting of a telugu movie called "Bommarilu". There was my god, Siddarth shooting with a pimply teenager heavily plied with makeup who seemed surprisingly subdued for an celeb.

'Man!! She sucks!", thought this shmuck. "I wonder why anyone would bother hiring this dame for a whopping 40 lacs. She doesnt seem to have any looks or charisma to carry it off..." thought this lame ass.

Circa, 8 months later:

Diary Entry:

Dear Diary,
Saw the movie "Boys" yesterday. Man, i was blown away by Harini. What an actress?!! Damn!! Too cute!!

Dear Diary,
Saw the movie Bommarilu yesterday. I am in love......

God, she is talented...

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